
Pari Nato-aiheista uutista

Nato:n uusi komentaja oli ennen Guantanamon vankileirin johtaja:

Human rights groups have expressed concern over the appointment of NATO's new military chief who was sworn in at the Alliance's military headquarters in Belgium on Thursday.

General Bantz John Craddock, who is taking over from General James Jones as Supreme Commander of all NATO forces, has a long and glittering military career. But there is one major stain on his otherwise impeccable military record - Guantanamo Bay.

General Craddock was previously responsible for the US prison camp which has led to campaign groups Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Amnesty International questioning his suitability for the new post.

Paavo Lipponen varoittelee Nato-allergiasta:

Lipponen sanoi, että pitää huolehtia siitä, että Nato-jäsenyyttä voidaan tulevaisuudessa tarvittaessa harkita.

Olisikohan allergia vielä pahempi, jos tuo ensimmäinen uutinen nostettaisiin esiin tiedotusvälineissä Suomessakin? Toivottavasti.

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